Sunday, October 13, 2024

These Women Will Knock Your Man, Be Careful!

These women will knack your man be careful. When it comes to relationships and marriages, trust and loyalty are paramount. Unfortunately, infidelity can happen, often leaving a trail of heartbreak and confusion in the union.
Understanding the types of women who might pursue someone else's husband or boyfriend can be a step toward recognizing potential risks and safeguarding your relationship. If you ever leave your man in the hands of these women, just be sure that they will sleep with them because they have all it takes to pin a man down emotionally. If your husband or boyfriend is still hanging around these eight types of women we are about this discuss in this video, then it's a major red flag.

Number 1, an ex-girlfriend. The ex-girlfriend is often a significant threat, especially if her relationship with your partner ended on good terms. She represents a part of his past that still holds emotional weight, and this can make her a life.

Ex-girlfriends might believe they still have a claim over your partner, especially if they haven't fully moved on. They could attempt to rekindle old feelings. This is why it is not safe to keep an ex around you.

No matter how matured and disciplined you may think you are, it is not safe to keep an ex close to you. An ex represents someone who you've shared same bed space with. You had deep feelings for her.

You guys have done silly things together. Studies have shown that it is easier to rekindle old feelings with an ex than to stay in a new relationship. This is why it is not wise to keep them close.

If your man is still communicating with his ex, it is a major red flag. If you broke up from her and you are still communicating with her two things are involved. It is either you guys were never in love or you guys are still in love and the later is always the case.
Stay away from ex-lovers. 

Number 2, your female friends. We've seen this happen many times.
Sometimes I wonder why friends have to betray themselves to such extent. It's sad, but that's the reality of today. Never trust your female friends around your man.

Not everyone who is facially happy with you is really happy for you. Some of them are crushing and wishing they were in your position. This is why we see cases of best friends sleeping with their friend's boyfriend.

Some will even go as far as using your past against you. They want to blackmail you to your man so they can destroy your relationship and take your place. Keep your female friends out of your relationships.
Stop taking them along to your dates with your man. Your female friends shouldn't have your man's number. Stop exposing your man to them.

A lady told me how her best friend slept with her man. It was her fault. She was always speaking so much about her man.
She tells her everything that happens in her relationship. She even tells her when they have sex and how hot it was. She will always praise the man and tell her friends how good he is on bed.

So one day her best friend was curious and really made up her mind to seduce the guy and also have a taste of what her best friend has been enjoying. She got what she wanted and it ruined her best friend's relationship because the guy started having feelings for her best friend. Keep your friends out of your relationship.

Most times when women are in power they tend to abuse it. It is easy for a woman to get a man on her bed than for a man to get a woman on his bed. Women have a subtle advantage when it comes to this.

Number 3. If your man is young and good looking, his female boss might be a threat. Women know how to manipulate men into doing what they want. It will only take a disciplined man to say no.

He shouldn't be a personal assistant for  a woman and he shouldn't have a personal assistant as a woman. Job roles like this permits the personal assistant to always be around his or her boss. A personal assistant job demands that you are always with your boss, you travel with your boss, you do hotel reservations for your boss, book appointments and stay over time in office with your boss.
That's not what your man should be doing for another woman neither is it what another woman should do for your man. If he needs a personal assistant he should get a guy, if his female boss needs a personal assistant she should get a lady, save your man from the untold stories.

Number 4. Younger women.
It's so sad but then the fact still remains that the younger women of this generation prefer to date married men than young guys. Younger women believe that dating a married man is less stressful compared to dating a young guy. I was interviewing a lady one day and she told me how she can never date young guys again.
She told me how she broke up with her boyfriend because he's stingy and only gives her money when she accepts to sleep with him. She added that she's now dating a married man and the man is so caring, doesn't go through her phone, doesn't beat her or quarrel with her unlike her ex. She also said that the married man gives her money and takes care of her.

And I asked her one question, if another woman does this to your husband in the future how will you feel? She got angry and walked away. Hide your man from all these shameless young women, some of them will want to come close to him as mentees, some will want to get to him through you. Be wise enough to cut off any young woman who poses a threat in your relationship or marriage.

Number 5. A female domestic worker. Some women are the ones that destroys their marriages with their own hands. You have only one child and you already employed two female domestic staffs at home? Your maid is now the one cooking for your husband, she's now the one washing his clothes,  running errands within your matrimonial bed.

Some of these maids are even good looking and attractive. Tell me why a man won't think of messing around with them, it is easy to do such with them than an outsider. In fact, a man can be messing around with your domestic staff in a coded way for years and you may never know.
Don't let your laziness cause you your marriage. You won't be always available in the house, make sure you are not creating an unsafe environment for your man in the house. 

Number 6. A married woman or a single mom. These are two categories of women your man must be careful with. That she's married doesn't mean she can't sleep with your man. Studies have shown that most married women still crush and keep strong feelings for other people's husbands.

This one happens very well in church or other social gatherings. That married woman who is always good to your husband or the single mother who always happy around him, can be a threat. Sometimes I wonder how people get so comfortable with another man's husband.
You know very well that he's married yet you hug him with your full chest with all the balloons you are carrying on your chest touching everywhere. Some will even peck a married man on his cheeks. I guess the men also have to be cautioned.

As a man it is your job to draw the line between you and other women. A man who can't defend his wife against other women in public has failed. A man who can't scold a woman who is crossing the boundaries is a weakling.
It is your job to remind other women crushing on you that you are married. If he's not doing that then that's a major red flag. 

Number 7. A female neighbor who is doing too much.
Have seen neighbors that will join another woman's husband in his car every morning to work. Your husband is not an uber driver even if they are working in same company or their offices are not too far from each other. You shouldn't allow someone get that close to your man.

Some neighbors will even cook and bring it for your man. As what? There are certain things you shouldn't tolerate. She should know her boundaries.

A neighbor who is becoming too nice especially to your husband is a threat. 

Number 8. Female class teachers of your kids. Most men love to pick up their kids from school and I have seen many cases where female teachers of the kids begin to get closer to the man.

Even the kids as little as they are can see how comfortable and close their dad is with their teacher but sometimes because they are kids they can't really relate. I have heard of many cases where some of these male parents start giving these female teachers tips, gifts and money. Some of them will start keeping close relationships with these ladies outside the school.

You must be careful. Cheating is one of the things that destroys relationships and marriages faster. Your partner may never recover from the thought of you cheating on them.

No matter the  pressure make sure you stay out of cheating. You might think you are smart and won't be caught. Ask those who were caught how it happened.

Nothing is hidden under the sun. Do you agree with these points? 

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