Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Top Five Ideas in the World: Insights for Success

In our quest for success and understanding, certain principles and laws have emerged as guiding lights. These ideas, though simple, offer profound insights into various aspects of life and work. Here are the top five ideas that can help you navigate challenges and achieve your goals.

1. Murphy’s Law

“The more you fear something, the more it will happen.”

Murphy’s Law is a reminder that our fears can often manifest into reality if we let them dominate our thoughts. This principle encourages us to face our fears head-on and prepare for potential setbacks. By doing so, we can mitigate risks and turn challenges into opportunities. Embracing this law helps us stay proactive and resilient in the face of adversity.

2. Kidlan’s Law

“If you can write the problem down clearly, then the matter is half-solved.”

Kidlan’s Law highlights the importance of clarity in problem-solving. When we articulate a problem clearly, we gain a better understanding of its components and can devise more effective solutions. This principle underscores the value of communication and organization. By breaking down problems into manageable parts, we can approach them with greater confidence and efficiency.

3. Gilbert’s Law

“The biggest problem at work is that no one tells you what to do.”

Gilbert’s Law sheds light on a common workplace challenge: the lack of clear direction. This principle emphasizes the need for effective leadership and communication within organizations. When employees are unsure of their roles and responsibilities, productivity and morale can suffer. By fostering an environment of transparency and guidance, leaders can empower their teams to perform at their best.

4. Walson’s Law

“If you put information and intelligence first at all times, then the money keeps coming in.”

Walson’s Law underscores the value of knowledge and strategic thinking in achieving financial success. By prioritizing information and intelligence, individuals and businesses can make informed decisions that drive growth and profitability. This principle encourages continuous learning and adaptability, essential traits in an ever-evolving market. Investing in knowledge and staying ahead of trends can lead to sustained financial gains.

5. Falkland’s Law

“When you don’t have to make a decision, then don’t make a decision.”

Falkland’s Law advocates for patience and restraint in decision-making. Sometimes, the best course of action is to wait and gather more information before making a choice. This principle reminds us that not all decisions need to be made immediately and that taking the time to consider options can lead to better outcomes. By avoiding hasty decisions, we can reduce the risk of errors and make more thoughtful, strategic choices.


These five ideas—Murphy’s Law, Kidlan’s Law, Gilbert’s Law, Walson’s Law, and Falkland’s Law—offer valuable insights into various aspects of life and work. By understanding and applying these principles, we can navigate challenges more effectively, make better decisions, and achieve greater success in our personal and professional lives.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

What is the meaning of leadership?

So, first of all, not every CEO or managers isn't actually a good leader. Leadership is not a title and it's not a position. It's a sense.

What makes a good leader is for him to actually know the vision of where their organization is going, in addition to being a human, understanding the strengths, the weaknesses of their team, knowing exactly how to steer them. 

Technically, leaders don't really work a lot on the day to day. They are there to pull their team towards that goal, that target, and make sure that they get there.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Tips travel ke Thailand

I rasa gambar ni agak sensetive tapi i nak share dekat you all juga kalau ada nak masuk thailand , cerita agak panjang tapi kene rajin baca kalau taknak kene macam i . 

30/08/2023 - kami dari klang ke bukit kayu hitam , kami bergerak tgah hari , so sampai bukit kayu hitam mlm , sbb nak kejarkan imegresen tutup sebelum kul 12am . Pendekkan cerita imegresen lepas , kastam thailand tak lepas sbb dia cakap no plate kerete blacklist . ( bulan 1 hritu kerete tu ada masuk thailand juga tapi dorg ckp masa nak balik malaysia tak return balik borang kastam kat kaunter 8 katanya, padahal kami check balik memang ada hntr , kalau tak hantar mcm mana kastam bagi kerete lepas keluar ke malaysia ) . 

Jadinya blacklist sbb tak return balik borang kastam , so nak masuk mlm tu tak lepas . So jumpa sorg pegawai kastam perempuan . 

P.kastam perempuan 1 : your plate blacklist
Kami : how to settle ? 
P.kastam 1 : you need to pay compound 
Kami : how much ? 
P.kastam 1 : 10,000thb (rm1.400) 

Gilaaaa sbb dia kata dah expired , dah la border nak tutup apa semua , okay malas nk fikir kami nak bayar tapi tak ada duit THB , ada duit malaysia sahaja . sbb skrg tukar sempadan lagi murah , dia cakap okay dia 

P.kastam 1 : okay if you have myr , i cannot open resit for you , but your name will clear 
Kami : dah feeling pelik kat sini ,( pelik kan bayar duit malaysia tak ada resit , karang jadi apa2 tak ada prove bayar) tapi kita bijak try je nk buat payment tapiiiii tu la allah nak gerakkan hati , ambik gamba2 ni semua , muka pegawai tu berubah terus taknak tolong , ehhhhh dh kenapa , dia cakap you take photo i dont want to help you . Aku dah la jauh dari shah alam kesini kau taknak lepas pula . 

P.kastam lelaki 2 : listen guys , now border close . I allow you stay danok for 1 night , tomorrow morning come back to kasam settle yor compound . So malam tu tido danok . 

31/08/2023 - bangun kul 5am , bawa kerete balik masuk kastam , pergi la bilik payment duty semalam tapi tak bukak lagi , so kami pergi kaunter lain . Tanya sorg lagi pegawai perempuan (pegawai lain) . 

P.kastam perempuan 3 : what can i help you 
Kami : cerita la apa yg berlaku semalam
P.kastam 3 : let me check your no plate , okay your plate is blacklist , you have to pay compound. 
Kami : okay how much ? 
P.kastam 3 : 1000thb ( rm140) 
Kami : kami mcm ehhhhhhhhhhhh semalam 10,000thb harini 1000thb (Tapi tak cakap la dengan pegawai semalam kene 10,000 karang tak pasai2 tiba2 dia naikkan pula kan ) lepastu tanya sekali lagi , how much ? 1000thb . Tapi kami cakap kami tak ada duit thb , hanya ada duit myr . 
P.kastam 3 : i dont receive any myr money 
Kami : but last night your officer accept myr , she said she accept myr . 
P.kastam 3 : no no we dont accept myr , who is she ? What cloth she wearing ? 
Kami : she wearing white shirt inside and jacket . 
P.kstam 3 : no no shes not officer , she just employee . 
Kami : mcm blur blur or mybe dia nak cakap pegawai semalam tu bukan pewagai betul , atau admin je mcm tu kot . 

So kami settle payment 1000thb persamaan dengan rm140 . 

10,000thb - rm1400
1000thb - rm140

Beza banyak tu, banyak sangat , kami ada argue dgn pegawai kastam 1 tu , kalau kami tak hntr borg kastam masa bulan 1 hartu , kenapa boleh lepas keluar , dia kata tanggungjawab individu itu sendiri , whattttttt ? 

4/9/2023 - kami nak balik ke malaysia , memang kami lalu kaunter 8 tu  , yesssss memang dorg suruh berenti dan mintak borg 8 tu , persoalan skrg ni masa bulan 1 tu , mesti i akan tahan juga , mesti kene bagi borang juga , mcm mana boleh lepas kalau tak return borg kastam ? Ke pegawai dorg yg tak key in dalam data ? 

Bak kata sorg brother malaysia la ada strangers kami berborak, dalam 10 kerete, 1 mesti terpilih. Dan kerete kami tak kene luck la. Sekiannn...

So sentiasa berhati² kalau Nak ke Thailand.

Perkongsian drp Nor Habriyah via Bomoh Online 

Note for facebook management ‼️ this post just sharing information and awareness

Elok juga share benda ni sebagai kesedaran utk org lain, lagi² pelancong yg pegi kilang barangan kulit/jade diorg guna MO belakon jadi "anak owner" atau "owner"  yg sangat pemurah keluar dari belakang opis..  barang konon harga asal premium grade (dlm rm ribu²) "mahal" (actually tak mahal mana pun) acah la kasi diskon harga banyak kepada tourist especially org Malaysia ramai kena con dgn MO diorg ni.. elok ak pegi luar tepi jalan ada bundle kasut kulit semua dijual 200bath je(rm20) sepasang, dptla primavera masa tu.

12 of the wisest things ever said by Simon Sinek

12 of the wisest things ever said by Simon Sinek. 

Number one, people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it. 

Number two, leadership is not about being in charge, it's about taking care of those in your charge.

Number three, working hard for something we don't care about is called stress, working hard for something we love is called passion.

Number four, a boss has a title, a leader has the people.

Number five, the goal is not to be perfect by the end, the goal is to be better today. 

Number six, when people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.

Number seven, there is a difference between giving directions and giving direction. 

Number eight, great companies don't hire skilled people and motivate them, they hire already motivated people and inspire them. 

Number nine, trust is built on telling the truth, not telling people what they want to hear.

Number 10, the responsibility of leadership is not to come up with all the ideas, but to create an environment in which great ideas can thrive.

Number 11, to create something really great and to make a real difference, you have to have the courage to start with why. 

Number 12, the greatest leaders are not those that do the greatest things, the greatest leaders are those that inspire others to do great things.